Building universes for you to explore.
Idea Forge Games is coming soon. We’re building out world settings, games, gaming accessories and providing services like prototyping to help you forge your own worlds. We’re also committed to giving back. Build your world while helping someone else build theirs. Learn more about our 40 for the Future commitment.

Forge the Future.
40 For the Future- Our commitment to charity.
Idea Forge Games is supporting local charity by building out content to help fundraising efforts. In partnership with Project Imo, a Connecticut-based charity, we’re re-forging the concept of fundraising. Our games, our worlds and Project Imo’s Creators Space combine to bring Forge Crates. These crates put exciting game supports into your hands while funding free programs for youth from under-resourced communities. Idea Forge Games commits to donating a minimum of 40% of all profits to charity.
Gaming = Giving. Full Stop.
Immersive words, fun games, game design prototyping, and a community-oriented approach to giving back.